Iron and Steel Making Industry

This group includes businesses involved in the manufacturing of basic iron and steel products, such as iron ore pellets, sponge iron, pig iron, and the production of rough steel in forms like steel ingots, steel billets, steel blooms, and steel slabs. It also includes the production of alloy steel. Activities encompass furnace smelting, steel converters, rolling mills, and finishing processes; production of basic pig iron such as bars; production of mixed iron; production of iron products directly reduced from iron ore and other hollow iron products; production of iron through refining processes using electrolysis and other chemical processes; production of iron granules and iron powder; production of steel bars (ingots) or other basic forms; remelting of leftover iron or steel ingots; and production of semi-finished steel products. Industri Penggilingan Baja (Steel Rolling) URAIAN Kelompok ini mencakup usaha penggilingan baja, baik penggilingan panas maupun dingin, yang membuat produk-produk gilingan batang kawat baja, baja tulangan, baja profil (H-beam, I-beam dan sejenisnya), baja strip, baja rel, pelat baja, baja lembaran hasil gilingan panas (hot rolled sheet) dan baja lembaran hasil gilingan dingin (cold rolled sheet) dilapisi atau tidak dilapisi dengan logam atau non logam lainnya termasuk penggilingan baja scrap. Termasuk industri baja balok atau potongan gulungan panas, industri baja open section gulungan panas, industri baja balok dan baja solid section hasil proses cold drawing, grinding dan turning, industri baja open section hasil pembentukan dingin progresif pada mesin penggulung atau pelipatan pada mesin pres atau pada penggulungan flat baja, industri kawat baja baik kawat satuan maupun pilinan (strand) hasil proses cold drawing, tempering, dan stressing, industri lembaran tiang pancang baja atau baja las open section, industri material rel kereta api baja (rel belum terpasang). ChatGPT Steel Rolling Industry DESCRIPTION This group includes businesses involved in steel rolling, both hot and cold rolling, which produce rolled products such as steel wire rods, reinforcing steel, steel profiles (H-beam, I-beam, etc.), steel strips, railway steel, steel plates, hot-rolled sheet steel, and cold-rolled sheet steel, whether coated or uncoated with metals or non-metals. It also includes the steel rolling of scrap. This category encompasses the steel beam industry or hot coil cutting industry, the steel open section industry of hot rolling, the steel beam and solid section industry resulting from cold drawing, grinding, and turning processes, the steel open section industry resulting from progressive cold forming on rolling machines or folding on press machines or on flat steel rolling, the steel wire industry, both single wire and twisted wire (strand), resulting from cold drawing, tempering, and stressing processes, the sheet steel industry for steel pile columns or open section welding steel, and the steel railway track material industry (unmounted rails). Industri Pipa Dan Sambungan Pipa Dari Baja Dan Besi URAIAN Kelompok ini mencakup usaha pembuatan tabung, pipa dan sambungan pipa dari besi dan baja. Termasuk Industri tabung, pipa dan profile berongga baja tanpa kelim hasil pembentukan gulungan panas, hot drawing atau hot extruding, gulungan dingin atau cold drawing; industri tabung dan pipa baja las hasil pengelasan dan pembentukan panas atau dingin, sebagai proses lanjutan dari gulungan dingin atau cold drawing; dan industri fittings pipa baja, seperti flat flanges dan flanges with forged collar, butt-welded fittings, threaded fittings dan socket-welded fiitings. ChatGPT Steel and Iron Pipe and Pipe Fitting Industry DESCRIPTION This group includes businesses involved in the manufacturing of tubes, pipes, and pipe fittings made of iron and steel. This encompasses the industry of hollow steel tubes, pipes, and profiles without joints formed by hot rolling, hot drawing, or hot extruding, as well as cold-rolled or cold-drawn products. It also includes the steel pipe and welded pipe industry, which involves welding and hot or cold forming processes following cold rolling or cold drawing, and the steel pipe fittings industry, which includes flat flanges and flanges with forged collars, butt-welded fittings, threaded fittings, and socket-welded fittings.

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