Capture/Taking of Protected Mollusks and/or CITES Appendix Mollusks
This category includes the capture or taking of various species of Mollusks that are protected and/or listed in CITES Appendices, in accordance with their protection regulations. These Mollusks can be found in marine, freshwater, and brackish waters and may be used for research and development, commercial breeding, domestic trade, international trade, aquaria, exchange programs, and recreational maintenance. Examples of Mollusks in this category include Tridacna spp. (Giant Clams) and Strombus gigas (Queen Conch). This category does not cover the capture of fully protected Mollusks that are prohibited from circulation based on national regulations and/or listed in CITES Appendix I, such as Nautilus spp., Hippopus hippopus, Hippopus porcellanus, Cassis cornuta, and Charonia tritonis.
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